Block editor

Gutenberg, also known as the Block Editor, is the default editing system introduced in WordPress 5.0 in December 2018. It replaced the old classic editor with a more modern and flexible interface based on the concept of “blocks.”

In the Gutenberg block editor, every piece of content — whether it’s a paragraph of text, an image, a header, a list, a quote, an audio file, a video, or even a button — is considered a “block.” These blocks can be added, rearranged, and customized individually, providing great flexibility in building and designing your pages and blog posts.

Here are some examples of what you can do with Gutenberg:

  1. Add blocks: You can add various types of blocks to your content by clicking the “+” button in the editor. There are blocks available for almost any type of content you can imagine, and many WordPress plugins also include their own custom blocks.
  2. Rearrange blocks: You can easily move blocks up or down in your content using the arrow buttons, or you can drag and drop them wherever you prefer.
  3. Customize blocks: Each block has its own customization options, which you can access in the settings panel on the right side of the screen. For example, you can change the font size of a text block, add a caption to an image, or modify the background color of a button.
  4. Reuse blocks: If you create a block that you plan to use again, such as a call to action or signature, you can save it as a reusable block. This way, you can add the block to any post or page without having to recreate it each time.

Gutenberg was designed to make content editing in WordPress more intuitive and accessible to non-developers. However, it may take some time to adapt if you are accustomed to the old classic editor. Many WordPress themes and plugins have been updated to support Gutenberg, and there are even themes specifically designed for the block editor.

The Gutenberg block editor is a powerful tool that offers a new way to create and design content in WordPress. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced user, Gutenberg can help bring your creative vision to life.

Published date : 14 June 2023
Modified date : 14 June 2023


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